A probabilistic method of determining a travel route according to the input and output

  • Embulaev V.N.

    Embulaev V.N. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


In developing a calculation  method  for determining passenger travel by  input and output data, it was noted that the number of corresponding passengers between two specific stops on the route is a discrete random variable. For each value of this random variable, the prob-
ability is calculated. Establishing a correspondence between  the numerical  values of a discrete random variable and their probabilities allowed us to assume that it is subject to this distribution law. And then, as a definition of the trip between two specific stops on the route,
the value of the random variable, the probability of which is the greatest, is taken.

Keywords: passengers flows, casual magnitude, probability of event, law of distribution, the
most probable number.